Following on from discussion of AFB, attached is the report on Project CleanHive by the Southern beekeeper discussion group and led by Marie Casey and John Scandrett.
One piece that may be of interest to beeks is the case report within, on page 15
Some of this has been discussed in earlier threads that contain articles published at the time on what is now called the Foster method for AFB detection.
One piece that may be of interest to beeks is the case report within, on page 15
Some of this has been discussed in earlier threads that contain articles published at the time on what is now called the Foster method for AFB detection.

tool to eliminate American Foulbrood gives hope
Publicity relating to swab testing advances... A new technology helping fight against a bee-killing disease is a "massive breakthrough", an Otago apiarist says. New Zealand Alpine Honey owner and Project CleanHive chairman Peter Ward, of Hawea, said he ran about 5000 hives across Otago...