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For what it's worth here is my first feedback on conference.

I have just been given the choice for what seminars I wish to attend and like the last time this happened I find it quite disappointing.

There  are times when there are three things on and I'm not riveted by any of them and that is fine, you can't make everybody happy with your choice of speakers but there are some other seminars where two things are on at the same time that I would love to attend and I have to make a choice. It's fair enough they make this decision is but also fair enough that I don't have to like them.

I have been to a lot of conferences and always used to try and attend every single session  regardless of whether I was interested in the subject or not. These days I'm not quite so  dedicated and if it's RMP or banking related you probably won't see me there but I do love all the science and research. I will probably attend some of MPI's presentations ,, not so much because I am interested but because I want to ask some hard questions.I don't expect any answer but I will feel better for having asked them.

What type of honey is New Zealand famous for?
