NZBF: Erk! Is it just a bad pollen sub batch🤨

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Well not technically a New beekeeper but some things are pretty new to me since I only started back in late may after thirty years. I brought some premade pollen sub a few weeks ago, both through farmlands Alexandra, a box of megabee and a box of the ecrotek. The megabee sub looks great, it's thick, great colour,nice and soft but not too soft and the ecrotek sub is the complete opposite 🤨 it's thin as paper, about a third of the thickness of the megabee patty, firm as a brick and really dark. The ecrotek sub was cheaper at $30 bucks a box compared to $52 for the megabee but I doubt the bee's will accept it without me mixing a little 2-1 syrup into it myself but I'm curious if anyone else has tried the ecrotek pollen sub and how they found it. I did buy it from farmlands, maybe it's been on a shelf too long?
