We drove north under a darkening sky thst brought rain to soak an already sodden land of snow melt.Flocks of white Snow geese fossicked in the rich prairie soil for slugs snd bugs …. Sustensnce and kai for their slow migration north to their Arctic breeding grounds.The landscape is sombre, shades of brown in a late spring, where pussy willow struggles to blossom and the bees are living on a diet of thick sucrose syrup and pollen patty.And ss we drove, we talked…. Of bees, and spring and the stress and fear of weak and dead hives, of missing a honey flow in early july…. And also the hope,,,, that with so many desd hives the honey price will lift as packers chase supply … with a percentage forward payment offered now and the balance when the crop is in the drum.A day later the rain had moved on. The sun returned and the temperature rose slightly…. Ever so slightly, luring the bees out to chase the odd pussy willow blossom.
We drove north under a darkening sky thst brought rain to soak an already sodden land of snow melt.
Flocks of white Snow geese fossicked in the rich prairie soil for slugs snd bugs …. Sustensnce and kai for their slow migration north to their Arctic breeding grounds.
The landscape is sombre, shades of brown in a late spring, where pussy willow struggles to blossom and the bees are living on a diet of thick sucrose syrup and pollen patty.
And ss we drove, we talked…. Of bees, and spring and the stress and fear of weak and dead hives, of missing a honey flow in early july…. And also the hope,,,, that with so many desd hives the honey price will lift as packers chase supply … with a percentage forward payment offered now and the balance when the crop is in the drum.
A day later the rain had moved on. The sun returned and the temperature rose slightly…. Ever so slightly, luring the bees out to chase the odd pussy willow blossom.