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I've been quiet on the forum for a few months now..... mainly because I returned from my motorcycle safari a month late and have been in catch up mode ever since.

Any way .... we seem to have caught up .

I vowed to work my Ass off this season, seven days a week to get the bees up to speed and crack a 100 tonne harvest that would fund another motor cycle safari into S America.

And so I have ..... worked my ass off .... seven days a week .... sort of.....

Only my plans have been thwarted at the last minute by an email from the guys we have been selling honey to  for the last couple years ..... a two liner saying no contracts will be issued this year for the purchase of honey.

Hot damn.

How am I gonna get to S. America ? I had hoped it would be the same way as I  got to Tennesse.

But more importantly , how am I gonna keep the enthusiasm running for the younger generation to pick up the hive tool and work my bees while i am away, because the way the industry is at the momment...... there is no enthusiasm.... and no market for  selling Beehives.

We Beekeepers are so dumb.

Bruce Clowe offered us a lifeline a few years ago to put into place a marketing company that we would have a share in and give us a peace of mind  to work seven day weeks with confidence knowing we would have an outlet for what we produced..... and be able to enjoy the fruits of our labour.

We hummed and Haahed and fiddled around and let the opportunity slide ....

And here we are, a few years older, same old same old .... looking at the prospect of selling our into a buyers market at a below production price.

What type of honey is New Zealand famous for?
