AFB PMP Management Agency Board members...

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BOP Club
I note that several day ago, three members were removed from the website page describing the AFB PMP Board: Jason Ward, Russell Marsh and Murray Lewis. I have not heard any news relating to replacements.
Hawkes Bay
Between lunches the board members do what I think is a good job but it doesn't change the fact that they are unelected.
That may be a good thing but it is a form of taxation without representation.
It could be said that they are vetted and selected so that the very best people are chosen. This is I believe done independently but the criteria for selection is set by API NZ . They don't represent all New Zealand beekeepers. They represent me and I think they do a good job but they don't represent everyone or I suspect even the majority and that troubles me.
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Semi Commercial
It has to be that way, take our Government.

Currently run by the Labour Party who according to yesterdays poll have less than 50% support. In addition, the Prime Minister Chris Hipkins was not selected to be Prime Minister by a peoples vote, but selected by a chosen few who set their own criteria without public consultation.

But why does it have to be that way? Cos like they say, you can not please all the people, all the time.

So, that's just how it has to be.
Bay of Plenty
Between lunches the board members do what I think is a good job but it doesn't change the fact that they are unelected.
That may be a good thing but it is a form of taxation without representation.
It could be said that they are vetted and selected so that the very best people are chosen. This is I believe done independently but the criteria for selection is set by API NZ . They don't represent all New Zealand beekeepers. They represent me and I think they do a good job but they don't represent everyone or I suspect even the majority and that troubles me.
The selection is not done by APINZ; it is done by the AFB board; once the selection is made, it then goes to APINZ board to see if there are any objections; if not, then it's all done and dusted. Once again, John, every levy-paying beekeeper in NZ has the opportunity to apply for any of the positions on the board; the positions are sent out to everyone. The board only specifies what expertise or experience may be lacking on the board so they can fill a knowledge gap, so then the independent selector vets those that put their hand up and presents a shortlist with those that have what the board is missing to interview. We went away from elections so it could be independent and no one could say the elections were rigged.
Hawkes Bay
no one could say the elections were rigged.
But people are saying the selection process is rigged. I don't think it's rigged but I do think it's biased. Maybe not consciously but it is biased.
The reality is that people who are not in sync with the thinking of APi NZ do not end up on the board.
I stood for the board in the past and was not selected. I try to get on with everyone and have great respect for people on both sides of the political spectrum . I accept that someone else was selected over me and that person was probably the better one for the job. There are however people who will never be acceptable to the board as it stands but would I believe do quite well in a democratic election.
A democracy gives you the mandate to govern. Selection gives you governing that is mandatory.


But people are saying the selection process is rigged. I don't think it's rigged but I do think it's biased. Maybe not consciously but it is biased.
The reality is that people who are not in sync with the thinking of APi NZ do not end up on the board.
I stood for the board in the past and was not selected. I try to get on with everyone and have great respect for people on both sides of the political spectrum . I accept that someone else was selected over me and that person was probably the better one for the job. There are however people who will never be acceptable to the board as it stands but would I believe do quite well in a democratic election.
A democracy gives you the mandate to govern. Selection gives you governing that is mandatory.
Without going into the politics of this I think that's very well said and I can see the truth in that.
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Bay of Plenty
The reality is that people who are not in sync with the thinking of APi NZ do not end up on the board.
Totally not true, you believe what you want, Im now the only APINZ member on the board.
If you weren't picked, that's because there would have been someone else that had the knowledge gap the board was wanting.
Its not only about how to be a beekeeper that's needed on the board, there's other areas i.e website creating, accounting experience, governance around presenting to MPI and the minister, bio security knowledge that covers primary industries, etc etc. The actual beekeeping part of it is only a small part. The beekeeping part is for us the beekeepers to do.
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BOP Club
And that presents a very good opportunity to ask the industry “what do you want ApiNZ to be?”
or “How do you want ApiNZ to represent you?”
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BOP Club
Between lunches the board members do what I think is a good job but it doesn't change the fact that they are unelected.
I have had involvement with boards both elected and selected/appointed. Neither has been perfect. My experience of elected boards is that too often they have difficulty maintaining a focus and goal, given the likelihood of sudden composition change. And worse, the tendency to vote in a 'spoiler' who does not share the same vision as the rest of the board. Probably one of the better boards (high functioning) that I worked with did have elections - but well before, the existing board would identify the skillsets that needed bolstering. So those board requirements would (hopefully) guide some of the voting, rather than simply popularity.
