Apiary advocate

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I have heard of this publication before but have never bothered reading it. I did have a quick talk with the publisher at conference and tonight I thought I better have a quick look. I have to say I'm quite impressed and it certainly full of a lot of information. I have now subscribed and will be looking through some of the back issues. It is refreshing to read some blunt assessments of beekeeping education instead of the newspeak articles we have all become far too familiar with.
Mid Canterbury
Semi Commercial
Agree I love the advocate and always look forward to reading the articles.
a Much more factual publication than anything else out there right now.
That's good to hear Frazzie that you like the Apiarist's Advocate. They offered me a bimonthly journalism contract, but people have complained if I miss a month. Have done an article on Paul Ridden, Ellesmere Apiaries, also a two part article with Peter Bray, also the Hantz Honey solar powered honey house. I have just done another interview today with a North Is beekeeper, and got some v unexpected answers to some of my questions, so that interview will be in the August edition.

Have got several more interviews lined up for future editions, right now I have got a bit of a back log! I will generally just write about beekeepers and/or people in the industry I have met. I don't want to get hifalutin' - just write on things I can relate to. The person who complained about no article this month, cos I really needed a month off, gave a couple of really good suggestions for future articles. Surprisingly, there are actually quite a few beekeeper topics out there that don't get covered.

Watch this space Frazzie - I might visit you. Oh la la - that red outfit - I could make you the page 3 pinup girl!
Mid Canterbury
Semi Commercial
Oh la la September edition of Advocate good, particularly page 20. Never intended in my life being a journalist, but feedback is good article starting on pg 20, but I am not allowed to know who feedback is from, just from what areas of NZ and that is interesting.
Mid Canterbury
Semi Commercial
Thanks Bighands. Something I never envisaged doing. My plan was big O/E next year, and that ain't goin' to happen, and the Advocate offer just came out of the blue. So I am really enjoying chatting to people I have met along the way, and getting explanations as to why they do whatever. I am more or less booked up until mid next year with beekeeper articles, that I have to interview.

I left school with 50% in School Cert English!
Loved your article @Maggie . It's always facinating to see how other people do it .

The other article I have been mulling over is the one about the way forward for selling honey.
Patrick may well have stirred the pot to stimulate some conversation about honey marketing ....

I see several camps in the debate.
Those who already have a stake in the industry of putting honey into pots and selling it,
And those who would like to ....

And then there are those who are already clamouring that we don't destroy the wonderfull industry that is Manuka by flooding the world with cheap Kanuka and RewaRewa.

It's gonna be a tough call to unite the tribes and ensure that evary partaker of the pie is happy with their slice.

What I do reflect on is that many people have tried to market Honey Pie with varying levels of success, but there seems to be no standout example within NZ that has stood the test of time.

Whatever we do may well have to be very about face and radical.
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Mid Canterbury
Semi Commercial
Loved your article @Maggie . It's always facinating to see how other people do it .
Hi James - Thanks for your comments. The Glasson article has received a lot of positive feedback, and because of this I will be sticking to mainly beekeeper interviews. Part 2 of the Glasson article will be published in October. It was meant to be an article about machinery, but I went out and had a look at a couple of their apiaries because Porters Pass was closed, and went off on a completely different tangent both in article and trip home via Haast!

I thought this month's edition was good with diversity. Patrick is writes the honey selling and other market sector articles.

Did you see TV1 news the other night re medical sniffer dogs, in Mosgiel, diagnosing bowel and ovarian cancers?
Mid Canterbury
Semi Commercial
Am halfway thru writing an article on an outfit with 1100 hives, and they do things slightly differently; to suit their operation. That will most likely be published Dec or Jan - I need some photography from them, with equipment in action.

Also have several long term hobbyists lined up for interview.
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Mid Canterbury
Semi Commercial
The October issue of the Advocate out now. Got a major surprise last issue - the afternoon it came out there was feedback on Significant Natural Areas in the Glassons Apiaries artlcle, then a day or so later Damien O'Connor contacted the Advocate. It's good to see that the editor has followed up on the SNA issue. I will take it as a compliment that Damo reads the Advocate! Another surprise was the amount of really positive feedback to the Advocate on the Glassons article.

Must sign off now, so I can read this month's issue.


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Gosh and he used to be super skinny, looks like he's had a few meat pies.

He'd say the same if he saw me now :oops:
