Of course they are a risk but is very debatable whether that small risk makes it legal to burn them. The burning of any plastic whether AFB infected or not is debatable from a legal point of view and one day someone will get really annoyed with that toxic smoke and challenge it in court where the outcome will by no means be certain.We are potentially talking about the gear from thousands of hives here and I think deep burial is a much better option. I'll go out on a limb here and say that I think deep burial in a safe site is probably a good idea for all AFB and potential AFB gear.Unknown frames lodged against fences must be a risk surely John? Same issue here in Gisborne but a landfill operator has very kindly offered a deep bury of frames
Radical idea I know but just remember that we burn AFB hives in a hole now because honey doesn't burn and burying remnants keeps bees away from it. Times have changed and we now have great big diggers that can do great big holes in a few minutes .I wonder which is the bigger risk, a hive buried 5 m deep or kilos of unburned honey in the shallow grave that I can dig in my rockhard soil around here.