I went through 100 hives yesterday taking out varoa strips, brood checking and feeding when necessary. For some reason I can feel it today, I must be getting old.
So far we've only had a few mill of rain and a but more would be nice. We had just been getting the spillover from other places and some of those must be pretty wet.
A dearth period at this time of year used to be pretty normal and I can remember when we had four bad November is in a row .
I don't know why but it's been years since we have had a real hunger patch at this time of year and many of the new beekeepers will not have experienced this to any great extent. I can remember feeding 200 hives a day (two of us) every day on a 10 day rotation for over a month just to keep hives alive.
Fortunately I am well up with my feeding so unless it rains for more than a week I won't have too work on the rain like the good old days.