Apiary Diary October 2021

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So we finish a yard, move to the next one, breakfasts worn off, must be lunch. This yards looking a bit hot and a few are hanging out. Himself declares lunchtime, (he needs a cuppa) I’m more interested in the subway, I didn’t make. Although coffees always good!

Half way through my lovely lunch (that I didn’t make) I look to the left, ops! Shoulda done the hot 🔥 ones first. There’s a lovely big cluster in the willows directly above the creek. We look, tree branch is on the other side of the creek, its too high up to climb and lower down can’t snag it with the tie down. Ain’t gonna catch that. Back to lunch then into work.

Four hives later and the swarm has started to cluster on a batten (must have started to drop as it was a big one). Himself has found the hive they came from. So I throw four frames and an excluder around the batten & go back to the hives.

Another four hives and I go have a look. Carefully put frames in box, tap the excluder into box, throw another few empty frames to mop up what left.

Astonished, it worked! Some days work out better than others!
Pollination in full swing. So grabbed nannas cloths dryer n decided to give oxg strips ago in pollination. Followed ottos mix plan, got a nephew who’s a plasterer so get tape for nix, wifey got a sewing machine, with the price of everything going up got to look at alternatives, either the biggest mistake I’ve made or a penny saver I’ll let u all know, I do let them dry a couple of days before placing in hives.
Nice feeders ..... how much syrup you got in them ?
I’ve overcome my anxiety about foundation and recycling my frames. Don’t know why I thought it would be tricky. Of course it’s helped by the thought of buying plastic since bioform isn’t yet in ¾.

It’s quite zen too, put some music on, cold beer and try to remember to keep the two electrodes apart 😅
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