Aussie bees

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I like the article, and I’m super impressed with the website. It’s a “feel good” piece and is why I keep bees. Hard to worry about work, world etc when your head down enjoying going through your hives.


whanganui inlet
I thought it was really interesting .
I think that being able to move away from only concerns about self to responsibility for the needs of others is very therapeutic.
There are other animal relationships used in healing but bee keeping involves complex management skills .
I aus it would be even more rewarding , no varroa .
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Te Horo
I have used my new found love of beekeeping as a source of relief as well.
Veterans Affairs (with MPI support) organised a series of Intro to Farming weeks at Taratahi Farming College in Masterton. Amongst the programme was naturally beekeeping, I put my name down for future Apiary courses and once again from the first three Intro courses a group of five of us vets went on to do a two week course. My mate down this way has continued with me and we are doing the Level three course. Of course we are both working full time as well.
We were commenting the other day, how relaxing and soothing looking after or just watching the activity was.
I agree with Kaihoka but bee keeping involves complex management skills - yep we both jumped in boots and all, and he brought eight hives and I brought six - nowhere near as big as a lot of the members on here, but it sure is a busy 'hobby' , but so personally rewarding.
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Hmmm .....The bees rule our lives in this gully .
Don't get me wrong, I love cracking lids and seeing what's going on,, but it gets pretty stressfull at times when working to a deadline of having bees up and runnng to hit a flow and make some honey to hopefully sell and pay the store bill.
Where's my de-stress .
A chat with the Doctors prescription on a night ......
Game of golf on a wednesday....

Nah ..... saddle the pony and take a quiet evening ride into the hills and savour the sweet perfume of matagouri blossom.
This one is a purebred Arab.
His mother was the mare from hell so we introduced her to a boy who came down from the Arab Emirates.
Whero is a joy to the heart ..... so cool and calm in the blowdown forest, jump a log on the roadside .... and lope along like a rocking horse.

The best thing for the inside of a man is the outside of a horse.E365DF75-DBDC-4587-B24E-81AA6EDDCA04.jpeg
