Bees in Education

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So I have been having a look at the future changes for NCEA Level 1, particularly in Agricultural and Horticultural Science.
One of the new standards, Explore life processes and how they are managed in a primary production system, focuses on bees.
Although the sample internal is based on Manuka honey production, it will be an easy matter for me to change it to focus on clover honey, or pollination services since manuka is of little relevance here in deepest, darkest Southland.
Below is a sample of the assessment.
You will create a presentation on the production of mānuka honey in Aotearoa New Zealand, focusing on the life processes of bees and the management practices that manipulate them.

In your presentation you should:

describe the whakapapa of the European honey bee in Aotearoa New Zealand as a short description or diagram showing the interconnections bees have with the environment and their host plants, including mānuka

identify two life processes (such as reproduction, growth, immunity, or digestion) of the European honey bee that are managed in the production of honey

explain how each life process is important to the survival of the bee

describe how the apiarist implements two management practices (such as hive maintenance, breeding of queens, feeding or pest control)

explain how each management practice supports a life process

discuss how management of each life process improves production

compare the strengths and weaknesses of the selected management practices in the production of honey, for example you could consider how well the management practices support the life processes, or other considerations such as how they affect the volume of honey, or the production of honey with a high UMF (Unique Mānuka Factor).

Varroa control, pollen patties, swarm control, queen rearing (splits, grafting) would all meet the grade for management practises.
It would certainly get them out of the comfort zone of sheep and cows.
In fact if I did varroa control and then had a play with grafting we would be sorted. I could even get them to sew up a pile of gib paper staples for me in the textiles room.
I have already had a class extract, bottle, market and sell honey from the school hives at my previous job, as part of a marketing unit for the UE kids. School catering suites are often registered as commercial kitchens and if we do it as a fundraiser we are all clear legally ( I checked with MPI first and got the go ahead).

Some of you guys might get a call from a school in the future wanting to have a talk about what you do. I am already planning on trialling this one next year.
Semi Commercial
Nice! I like the idea of getting akonga to sew staples. I’ve got my tamariki involved in this process… but it’s a bit hit n miss.

Starting a small queen rearing enterprise would cover all of the bases as you feed feed feed when raising queens and make splits, so growing and reproducing colonies for survival… then you could start sending nucs home with kids to nurture and grow.
Best wishes!
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