Bees & static electricity

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Call me a weirdo, but I have a theory about the effects of the electromagnetism of the 4 and 5G. Bees work using static electricity and I haven't researched international hive health around this, but I think there could be a correlation. If you look here and add your/any required location
you can see the extent of coverage in your area. If I'm right, your hives in areas with lower coverage will be healthier. If I am, it's also a scarey prospect for future beekeeping.
Weirdo or not, I'm intrigued about the results :D
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Your tick was in a sealed brood. And over time, it began to come out, with the appearance of new bees. There may be over-infection from other apiaries. As far as I remember, the chemistry changes every 15 days. The strips are weathered and do not work well. In Russia, in the autumn, competent beekeepers conduct processing for about a month and once when the bee has already gathered in the winter ball and there is no brood at all. Changing the active ingredients, because the drugs may not work. As for the towers, the swarms can not fly through the power lines through which the current flows 10,000 watts.
Hawkes Bay
Years ago we used to have an apiary right beside huge power pylons and it made no difference to the bees at all. There have been stories for years about electric fences et cetera and I have yet to see any problems with any sort of electrical field. As for your treatment is not working I documented resistance to synthetic pyrethroids over two years ago . They still work in some areas but not in others. In the initial phases of resistance you will get partial control and hives will survive the winter or not depending on how partial that control was.


BOP Club
I recall a piece of research from some years ago involving putting colonies of bees in close proximity to high voltage lines. Like literally wrapping the hives, if I recall. Caused an extreme disruption to hive organisation generally, and ended with the hive completely closing its entrance with propolis and cooking. Author tried, as I remember (?), to tie this to placing hives under power lines and them being aggressive - but I may be making this part up.


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There's already a human correlation of health issues living under HV lines. With the associated magnetic changes I would have thought bees would experience some disruption, but some people like to add in extras that then water down the science results.
And then you get the myths and cranks that join the party, so then everyone thinks it's a load of crap.
Hawkes Bay
I wouldn't voluntarily place hives directly under high-voltage lines as they do produce a huge electrical field as can be seen with the fluorescent tube experiments. I also wouldn't want to live underneath them myself but like I said I have never seen any effect from ordinary electrical fields on bees. I have seen a lot of garbage written about electric fences causing bees to build their comb sideways . I prefer not to have bees too close to electric fence because of the effect the current has on me, not the bees. I was once not briefly unconscious by touching my veil (all design with steel gauze) on a fence and moved the hives after one of my companions was knocked unconscious and stopped breathing doing the same thing. It was a wet miserable day and the bees were filthy but fortunately he started breathing before I had to try and give him mouth-to-mouth.
My neighbour came up the other day to get some freshwater from our spring after the rains turned his ooze into a turgid mix.
He's a lttle bit different, my neighbour.
One of our seasonal workers lived with him for a week or so , and was asked to leave one morning when the dandelions started screaming as the woofer walked on them.

He brought up a copy of The New Zealnd Journal of Natural Medicine.
I read it last night and was intrigued at the articles of Covid related issues .....
One article that causght my eye was ...."Smart meters and the potential for serious and other adverse biological reactions and effects."
Essentially it was Kathy's testimony about how the smart meter in her home gave rise to Supraventricular tachycardia [SVT] , or in laymans terms, an irregular heartbeat.

Oh dear. I have just spent weeks and weeks pimping the old leantoo at the back gate that used to be the repository for the recycling and other usefull junk into a male refuge .
The bar leaner coziees up to the mains power input and Smart Meter.

Should make for some interesting conversations.86F948AE-E8D5-4B60-8955-D9EEC169CD39.jpeg
Essentially it was Kathy's testimony about how the smart meter in her home gave rise to Supraventricular tachycardia [SVT] , or in laymans terms, an irregular heartbeat.
yet they probably use a cell phone which has far higher outputs than a smart meter.

thats the silly thing is our air is filled with lots of emf in the form of radio, tv, sat, cell phone, rt etc, most of which are far higher powered than all the low powered stuff they think causes problems.

also people like welders, in theory, should be completely disease riddled or dead due to their exposure to large amounts of emf.
In the UK about 15 years ago people were getting complacent about varroa treatment - stuff in a couple of strips of Apistan or Bayvarol and that was it. However varroa became resistant, so a lot of colonies died as a result so many beekeepers moved to thymol based treatments as a result. (Apilife Var and Apiguard). Amitraz treatments were not licensed at the time. If you have seen varroa after treatment, then it's fair to say that varroa is the cause of the demise and not electrickery.
Clusters could be due to varroa spreading between hives due to drifting bees or colonies robbing out a failing colony nearby and bringing varroa home with them.
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whanganui inlet
The migrant bee site on my place is on the area under the 11kw power line pole keep clear by the lines company .
The migrant sites down the coast from me are mostly on access tracks kept clear by the lines company .
The weather and available forage are the only things that make a difference out here.


Staff member
Founder Member
Call me a weirdo, but I have a theory about the effects of the electromagnetism of the 4 and 5G. Bees work using static electricity and I haven't researched international hive health around this, but I think there could be a correlation. If you look here and add your/any required location
you can see the extent of coverage in your area. If I'm right, your hives in areas with lower coverage will be healthier.
I was looking at why the title said static electricity and why we were talking about power lines.
And in the end I'm still not sure as the OP is talking 5G telecommunications signals. I suppose this is where a clear title comes in.


Founder Member
Semi Commercial
This is completely normal in the world of conspiracy theories.

The facts, non facts, and rumours are all blended together into one story, aimed at people who don't know the difference between one and the other anyhow.

Head slapping stuff in frustration, for anyone with a proper understanding of any of the parts that are blended into the conspiracy.
Te Horo
Don't panic, I have started a new business producing little tinfoil hats for the bees, you will have to assemble and fit them your self.
Or should we fit them with colanders


Staff member
I was looking at why the title said static electricity and why we were talking about power lines.
And in the end I'm still not sure as the OP is talking 5G telecommunications signals. I suppose this is where a clear title comes in.
It's all electrickery aint it ?
