Thanks for asking Mummzie.How did you get on with curing your chalkbrood @Wildflower ?
I had to remove a large number of badly infected frames.I also added adult bees, but growth was poor. The hive is now tiny,but with a new queen. I am still removing mummies from base board each week,but hive seems calmer. My other hives also have a small amount of chalkbrood,so,I requeened two of them also.The brood pattern was a bit patchy and I thought best to jump in and enhance with new queen.
Unfortunately during all this muck around,I now have a laying worker hive. Grrr! Beautiful Q cell hatched but didn't return home. I left it queenless too long so now, will have to join this lot with a strong hive so they kill the worker. Is that what you would do Mummsie?
My strongest hive is with a year old queen. Do I paper the hives together under the honey super?