Colony loss survey.

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Hawkes Bay
The colony loss survey is open again for those that would like to participate. It's not compulsory but it is almost worldwide and the only truly national way we have to understand the long-term health of our hives. I advocate for this survey because I believe it is of benefit to the whole industry including each individual participating beekeeper. Even if you have only one hive what has happened to that hive is important. If it survived the winter and is now thriving then that is wonderful news for all of us and if it died then that information is also important but more important is why died. I am pleased the people running the survey have listened to the comments from many beekeepers about horrific autumn losses in some areas over the past few years and this has now been included as part of the survey. It's all completely anonymous and no one will ever know whether you had the best survival rate in the country or the worst but if we all do our bit you will be able to follow trends that are happening throughout the country and this can help you avoid at least some of the pitfalls that are ahead of us.
If nothing else filling in the survey shows you exactly what is happening in your overall operation rather than the normal view of day-to-day triumphs and failures. All
