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The maps are as accurate as you placed the information when you registered the hives.
However, you can contact the Agency and they will allow you to adjust your pin locations.

I have already done that with 2 of my sites.

Yes, you will have had a notification of this.
The address is right, the pin is two blocks over.


Founder Member
Semi Commercial
I did however have a lot of trouble trying to report an AFB (just for practice).
Hey John, logged in without instructions.
No worries getting a Report AFB practice run.

Hit My Apiaries, and View a site. Then a report AFB showed.
BUT, your comments did make me focus on it 100%, I wasn't looking around.
And, agree a Report AFB at the home screen could make it easier.

Agree with Gino here. I had a tutu on the site and found the easiest way to report AFB was go to the map and click on the site. There is then a report AFB button. Wasn't hard but had to know that.

Could be this is to ensure that where people report AFB is actually at the correct site.

I am sure they will be considering feedback and may make modifications if needed. They did issue a beta to a few people first and made changes based on feedback from that before issuing the finished product to the masses, so may not be wanting to make any more changes immediately, but their aim is to be as user friendly as possible.
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Trevor Gillbanks

Founder Member
Palmerston North
I find it hard to believe, with a fancy new system, that pins are dropping hundreds of meters away from addresses. @Trevor Gillbanks ... @Wknz is an IT expert... he shouldn’t have to deal with badly built systems 🤣😳😳
Why is it the fault of the system that the old data was transferred over to an incorrect location, when it was probably not in the correct location in the first place. Remember that the mapping system in Apiweb was an absolute pig to use and most of us did not both with trying to fix the locations.
Of all my sites (9), only 2 were not in the correct place, but reasonably close.

How am I supposed to know the someone is an IT expert?? It certainly does not say so in his profile.
I am an IT dumbie and I figured it out.
Mid Canterbury
Semi Commercial
Or just deregister the site where the pin is and add a new site with the pin in the right place, but if pin is within 200mtrs of where the site is I wouldn't bother.
Hi Dennis - I have done a huge amount of surveillance, and I don't know whether I would agree with this 200 m discrepancy. You only need a high density beekeeping area, five corner intersections, forestry, creeks, rivers, irrigation ditches, high hedges, paper roads that may not be obvious to a registered beekeeper, inaccuracies with google (and yes this is not uncommon), urban living and you may not be able to see the apiary. Sometimes there are numerous registered apiaries within sight to choose from, and if each beekeeper is 100-200 m out then it's pretty easy to inspect the wrong site. Then there are the apiaries that might be in your view that are not registered, or may the hives have only been placed there and the apiary is not registered, and you inspect these instead! When you have large surveillance contracts, it is easy to strike all these scenarios in high density beekeeping areas. Not every registered beekeeper has their ID displayed in their apiary, and not every beekeeper answers their mobile when you need to query these scenarios - and time is money and organisation even out on surveillance. Then there is the scenario of beekeepers dobbing in other beekeepers, and they don't have the right facts regarding sites or what they have actually seen. I understand I am the only surveillance contractor who has ever inspected a crateful of netting for a vineyard, purely and simply because a local beekeeper was adamant it was a row beehives that he could see from the road and reported this crate as an unregistered apiary. Didn't need a smoker for that surveillance! The vineyard owner was totally amused.


Founder Member
Semi Commercial
Best I can tell from searching out apiaries probably 1 in 4 to 1 in 3 have incorrect GPS coordinates.

I would suggest people seeing their pin in the wrong place and considering complaining about it, to in the first instance check the coordinates they supplied in the first place.

Thing with computers is garbage in, garbage out.

I'm with Trevor, now there is an easier to use system, the problem of beekeepers giving bad coordinates should greatly reduce over time.
Hawkes Bay
Can't any worse in the old system as far as mapping goes.. I was once asked to inspect some hives that would have involved quite a long boat trip out into the Pacific. I have only checked one apiary so far and it was bang on.
Hive hub. It's a bit late now but there appear to be a lot of other sites with this name . When I typed in hive hub the one I wanted was fairly well down the list..
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Mark Lawrence

Founder Member
The address is right, the pin is two blocks over.
The map pins are likely based on the geocoordinates that were registered in APIWEB, not street addresses.
My apiary coordinates in APIWEB were only down to 3 decimal places (e.g. -43.123, 172.123) which put the apiary within 100 metres of its location but as I live in an urban environment the map pin was 2 houses down the street.

To correct this I just logged a request via "Help and Support". The apiary registrar from the agency unlocked the geocoordinate records within a day or so, and I was notified on the Hivehub dashboard homepage that I had some apiary changes to review.
I zoomed in on the map and put the pin in the correct location - it is now very accurately in the corner of my back garden down to 8 decimal places (e.g. -43.12345678, 172.12345678).

I agree with @Trevor Gillbanks - just log the request via "Help and Support".

This new system is going to greatly improve the accuracy of the apiary geocoordinates.

I am sure the agency is taking all feedback onboard to improve the system - always a few iterations to get a new IT system running smoothly in the early days - but so far I like it.

Mark Lawrence

Founder Member
they were very quick to respond to logging the need to change- all I have to do is figure out how.
The agency have put together some very useful self-help documentation and "how-to" videos to show you how to do this.
They are located down the page at the AFB website
And the document you are after to show you how to do it is here. It is as simple as zooming in on the map and click where you know your apiary is located - it can be very accurate.


Staff member
It may be simple to locate your apiaries when they are in an urban setting. However, once you get into a rural setting where roads are few and far between and are looking for land features and clumps of trees and bends in a hard to see farm track then it’s quite a different kettle of fish. The zooming in and out with two fingers and moving across the map is less than user friendly.
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Mark Lawrence

Founder Member
It may be simple to locate your apiaries when they are in an urban setting. However, once you get into a rural setting where roads are few and far between and are looking for land features and clumps of trees and bends in a hard to see farm track then it’s quite a different kettle of fish. The zooming in and out with two fingers and moving across the map is less than user friendly.
@Bron as you say "zooming in and out with two fingers" I am assuming that you are using a smartphone or tablet whilst out in the field. This is a web-based system, but I do believe that the agency are working on a smartphone/tablet App to function better and be more user friendly on these device types.
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