Britain's advertising watchdog has ruled an ad promoting mānuka honey as a treatment for coughs breached its code.
A complaint upheld by the UK Advertising Standards Authority said a newspaper ad for New Zealand-based Mānuka Doctor should not have described the honey as a treatment for coughs and referred to its ''anti-microbial properties''.
Britain's advertising code prohibits claims that state or imply a food can prevent, treat or cure human disease.
This is really interesting because the advertising code prevents you saying what Public Health England had recommended to people. i.e. to use honey as a first approach to relieving coughs.
A complaint upheld by the UK Advertising Standards Authority said a newspaper ad for New Zealand-based Mānuka Doctor should not have described the honey as a treatment for coughs and referred to its ''anti-microbial properties''.
Britain's advertising code prohibits claims that state or imply a food can prevent, treat or cure human disease.

This is really interesting because the advertising code prevents you saying what Public Health England had recommended to people. i.e. to use honey as a first approach to relieving coughs.