Yup, very. Often is at this time of year. People enjoying summer & gearing up for harvest maybe?
That’s a fascinating rabbit hole to fall down over my morning coffee.The 1% rule.
1% rule - Wikipedia
Matters of concern ....ish.
I put our bees up for sale last year and got no replies. I put 'em up for sale this month and got two replies, so things are lookng up. One man wanted to buy an extractor. Another wanted to buy twenty hives and a honey dew site .... leaving me with 1280 hives to sort out.
Oh well.
Which brings into question this whole succession thing about what the heck do you do with an asset that a few years ago was my kiwi saver worth over a million bucks, and now is gonna cost me a coiple of bucks to hire a digger to scoop out a big hole and bury 'em.
In my life I've had two incurable diseases ...... Beefever and Wanderlust.
Both are apparently not terminal, but are unfortunately incurable.
What to do.
It seems a waste and a shame to bury 1280 hives in a big hole.
One mans junk is another man's treasure ....
So here is the perfect opportunity for some keen gun to give me a call and strike a deal, peppercorn lease, profit share, luv 'em while I seek healing from the terrible condition of Wanderlust !
I took a look at the Treatment Free Facebook group yesterday. The US one started by Solomon Parker. 58,000 members and 10 posts a week.
Although might have something to do with nearly all of them losing their bees and quitting.
busy, tired.Forum seems to have gone quiet lately .... people busy or curled up and died ....?
heard of others offering $150.Few weeks ago saw an advert from a respected commercial beekeeper selling hives for $50 each. Few years ago these could have fetched $450.00.
Questioned about why he is selling so cheap he said he's got a new job, can't also care for the bees, they got to go.
Don't know if he sold any.
i doubt that. they can breed replacements cheaper than buying in, unless they have massive amounts of AFB.There appear to be some corporate beekeepers who are still buying hives but from what I can gather they are more for replacing hives that they have killed rather than increasing numbers
You have to have the necessary skills to make up losses.i doubt that. they can breed replacements cheaper than buying in, unless they have massive amounts of AFB.
more than likely they are buying up them up to get the sites.
You have to have the necessary skills to make up losses.
huh .....?Deciding if we need to feed hives or if the flow will magically start. Or I some case, harvest has started.
around here the bit of bad weather the other week turned off the flow. sometimes it can restart, other times not and its season over. we shall wait and see.huh .....?
Other people's money and yes some of them are that bad.if their beekeeping is that bad how are they still in business. its beekeeping skill 101.