Hi all. I have 4 hives in Central Otago. Springvale area. It has been a very dry year and 2 of my hives were very disappointing. they missed the spring clover and barely got going before the Vipers Bugloss flow started, while 2 were full steam ahead. With the flow coming to an end, I want to split my most productive hives. Tossing up if I should just split each in two and leave the queenless half to make their own, or produce a few queen cells/purchase local virgin queens and do some more aggressive splits with only a couple of frames of brood. If I go down to quite small splits but feed them heavily, will they get up to size to last through winter? I am thinking 2 months with weekly top ups of sugar syrup should get them going. I have overwintered nucs in 5 frame plywood nucs before, in South Canterbury, but Central Otago winters are a tad chillier (as in highs of 5 in midwinter and below zero for a good part of the day, and I am not confident they would make it. So want them as big as possible going into winter. Though I am thinking about experimenting with a nuc or two in as sheltered a spot as I can find.