It is not just a case of copy and past but without the names on it, under an OIA request, every submission has to been gone through and checked so that nothing in the body of the email/submission etc breeches privacy matters etc etc, so yes someone has to sit and read them all with a OIA requested hat on, as opposed to what is this submission really asking of the AFB plan.
We have employed on contract a lady that is collating the submissions, (its her specialty field) for the plan review, she is not employed to answer OIA requests.
Submissions run from a couple of sentences to several pages, some info in those submissions runs from stuff related to the plan to how can I be a beekeeper. So we have submissions with stuff that is "in scope" and stuff that is "out of scope".
At some point all will be revealed, but in a format that makes sense, as we have to to go onto the next stage of discussion based on the submissions received so far.
No its not just a click and collect job.
ApiNZ has had many contacts with the ombudsmen who has been diligently guiding ApiNZ though the process.
MPIs policy is to make submissions public. The AFB PMP is run under MPIs legislation and as you have said many times you have MPI reps, who are well versed in working within the OIA, sitting at your board meetings.
I have a request in from the last round of consultations, which the ombudsmen is currently working the ApiNZ with on
Why have ApiNZ, who is well aware by now (fact, I have an email trail), failed to run the consultation process in such a way that submissions can be easily provided, at the appropriate time in full, when requested ?
I asked the AFB PMP during the webinars will the submissions be made public. I received written the reply that only a summary will be provided. A" summary" or a "format that makes sense" is not open and transparent or follows the government of New Zealand laws
Once again Dennis, all I am asking for is and Open and Transparent AFB PMP governance board