Entering my second year as a bk now. An eventful time leading up to this point. Briefly: Have two hives, one left over from a swam that requeened itself. It collapsed over winter and I nursed it back to health by taking brood from the strong hive. During the AFB check we noticed the strong hive was badly effected with deformed wing. The inspector initially thought it could be sac brood but then decided it was most likely varroa. So a reversal in hive strengths. He recommended treatment asap but I'm not keen until I remove the supers for extraction.
I purchased Apivar last Feb 2022 and notice it was out of date upon receiving it. Batch date manufacture is 25/01/21 - Thanks guys! Last treatment was Bayvarol.
Have ordered a new pack.
Question is: Do I biff the out of date one $60 down the drain or save the bees. Sort of answering my own question aren't I? Four strips out of a pack of 10 is also a waste. So once opened can you reseal and use later?
Two strips for each brood box is a bit wasteful as I run single brood boxes. Will treat both boxes even though the other is looking healthy.
I purchased Apivar last Feb 2022 and notice it was out of date upon receiving it. Batch date manufacture is 25/01/21 - Thanks guys! Last treatment was Bayvarol.
Have ordered a new pack.
Question is: Do I biff the out of date one $60 down the drain or save the bees. Sort of answering my own question aren't I? Four strips out of a pack of 10 is also a waste. So once opened can you reseal and use later?
Two strips for each brood box is a bit wasteful as I run single brood boxes. Will treat both boxes even though the other is looking healthy.