PsyOp "Save the Bees" is a sham

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Psyop: “Psychological Operation”. Operations to influence the emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behaviour of governments, organisations, groups, and individuals.

Big Honey, backed by international governments and agriculture lobbyists, just pulled off the greatest psyop of the 21st century and nobody noticed. Almost overnight, the popular opinion of bees turned from a vague fear to an unanimous outpouring of love. Bees are everywhere: all over T-shirts, tattooed on people’s forearms, and in cutesy art pieces across the entirety of Pinterest. “Save the bees” became a calling card for the young and planet-conscious, because who doesn’t love pollinators? The fuzzy little bastards were a perfect mascot for a greater community of climate-concerned youth.

But this was a sham. It was orchestrated from the highest level by a cabal of Big Honey industrialists, determined to support their flailing industry and distract from the ecological consequences of their work.



New Zealand
Its a bit like one or 2 of our honey so called top tear companies claiming they are NZ owned but are in fact owned by overseas companies.
Nothing wrong with being successful but telling the truth is part of being successful
Hawkes Bay
I should be pleased that someone has written something negative about beekeeping rather than all the positive twaddle that has been published for years but this is negative twaddle that is so full of misconceptions and absolute rubbish that it is as bad or worse than most of the positive garbage.
There is some truth that native bees are impacted by honeybees but as far as I know this is never been quantified and I can certainly take you places where native bees outnumber honeybees by a factor of around 100 to 1.
Even in areas where there are a lot of native bees there are never enough to pollinate the monocultural crops that we depend on and native bees are also very seasonal and are not active when many crops need pollination. There are nowhere near enough of the other pollinators either partly because that's how they work naturally and partly because most crops are sprayed with insecticides.
There is no doubt that MPI, corporate's and a lot of smaller beekeepers have been over hyping both honey and honeybees and that has caused a lot of problems but it doesn't altar the absolute need that most of our flowering crops have for honeybees and I include clover in this statement.
Many beekeepers including myself have been trying to bring some balance to the situation and have been largely ignored by the media who seem to just want to publish ready-made, good news pap which they copy direct from what is basically advertising material.
Bees are highly endangered in New Zealand. Partly at the moment because there are just too many hives which is affecting both profitability and bee health but also in the medium long-term by what is happening with varoa.
Beekeeping in New Zealand is facing a huge crisis caused by a CF of problems and this sort of poorly researched so-called journalism will not help it.
End of rant.
