When I have CB hive - if only one I replace Q until it succeed in clean up or I give up. Those which have CB, from that lineage by mother side I tend not to use for producing new queens. If I have few, I merge 2 in one and again replace the queen. Before I was cleaning hive, removing some brood frames.. now I stopped that also. If they don't clean them by themselves they are not up to survival.. Las time I had one CB entering into last winter, I replaced with new Q and I saw chalk larvae during late winter and early spring at the entrance and below on the ground - I thought it was failure. First inspection this spring, I found no CB brood and seemed Q right the ship. After it developed nicely and gave nice extraction lately. This Q is still at the apiary and looking nice..
When replacing Q, I just take old out and after excessive use of smoke I just place new Q in cage with followers. Lately I open bit more candy compound so the Q is released in 1-2 days. It works for me and I won't change it. Before I followed advice: remove Q and wait 4-6 hours and add new Q. I experimented with immediate replacement and found it successful - so why to complicate, rather to drink a beer for that extra time..
Also to mention as here I also learned and saw in practice - when is strong flow.. You can do to bees whatever You want, their attention is all about " working honey".. But I don't like that rush, cause I think when traffic is that high I lose more Qs. I rather want later q rearing - on ease..
All I wrote is my subjective thinking and doing, which nothing has to be right and true. I just gave my point of view of which You can freely use all what You think suits Your practice or none..