Reactions to propolis

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Mid Canterbury
Semi Commercial
Disputed Content: Some or all of the content within this post contains information the accuracy, truthfulness, or credibility, of which is contested or unknown.
I would rather wash the staff suits weekly than patch them when they start to rot.
I agree, but in the season I can't do a whole week without a wash. On the Canty Plains, a suit just gets too damp, even though it is aired our in the sun when I get home.

Stop wearing gloves man!
I am in a high propolis producing area, so I often wear gloves, not just for medical reasons but it's a better look when not beekeeping. If you have ever had an anaphylactic shock from bee venom, you are at very high risk from anaphylaxis due to propolis absorption through the skin.


Staff member
Founder Member
University of Life which other experienced beekeepers agree with

OK, I can't find any scientific evidence at this point to back your claim, however if you wish to provide some, please do so. Until then I'll mark your post appropriately.

A direct relationship between allergy to bee products and bee venom has not been shown.

Cifuentes L. Allergy to honeybee … not only stings. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015 Aug;15(4):364-8. doi: 10.1097/ACI.0000000000000191. PMID: 26110688.
Can you cite your reference to this claim please?
Although incredibly uncommon, topic allergy to bee products is possible. Met a person just recently who now carries an epipen after an anaphylactic recent reaction to skin moisturiser with bee product (not sure which propolis/honey/wax) in it.

“luckily” it happened in a clinical setting, and they were quickly resucitated and moved to hospital. The person was know to be allergic to bees, but this was a first for them.

I wouldn’t have believed it was possible, until I met them.


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Founder Member
It is indeed possible to be allergic to be products, and propolis its found in many products that you wouldn't think of. Most people would see it in the form of contact dermatitis, some may see it in the form of anaphylactic reaction.
Mid Canterbury
Semi Commercial
I wouldn’t have believed it was possible, until I met them.
I have known of a number of beekeepers who have had reactions to propolis. Have seen an indoor anaphylaxis occur, most likely due to cough lozenges containing propolis.

I would not have thought it would occur, until nearly 15 years ago when I sustained anaphylaxis to a sting. I noticed thereafter, until well into the desensitisation programme, that I had to be careful with hives with a lot of propolis.

Dave Black

BOP Club
Bay of Plenty
I agree the advisory at the top is appropriate.

It goes like this:
We can all be, or at any time become, allergic to bee stings
We can all be, or at any time become become, allergic to other bee products, including but not limited to, propolis, and royal jelly.
Some individuals can be, or at any time become, sensitive to a lot of different things, others to one particular thing. It's sensible for the former to be cautious over new things.
Cross-sensitivity to various types of drugs is well known.
There is limited (scientific) evidence of cross-sensitivity of a broader kind, for example if you are allergic to almonds you may also be allergic to peanuts (but maybe because 'nuts' all have something in common, we don't know).
You may be an individual who happens to be allergic to almonds and bee venom, however, being allergic to almonds does not make you allergic to bee venom.
We have really have no idea what triggers these reactions or what governs people's response.


Founder Member
Nelson/Tasman District
My daughter is has had four anaphylaxis reactions 2 of them to bee stings, one to a bath bomb and one to a new shirt !

The doctor thinks she has mast cell activation syndrome which basically means she has heightened histamine in her system and if she comes into contact with something she is sensitive too her system goes into overdrive and reacts too aggressively causing anaphylaxis.
Bay of Plenty
My daughter is has had four anaphylaxis reactions 2 of them to bee stings, one to a bath bomb and one to a new shirt !

The doctor thinks she has mast cell activation syndrome which basically means she has heightened histamine in her system and if she comes into contact with something she is sensitive too her system goes into overdrive and reacts too aggressively causing anaphylaxis.
Well frazz, she'd have to walk around naked and not bath, she would fit right in to the hippy's down your way.
Mid Canterbury
Semi Commercial

New Zealand (Bee Product Warning Statements - Dietary Supplements) Food Standards 2002 2 so that it can be easily seen by the consumer when purchasing the product, in a standard type of 3 mm, the statement -

(3) In relation to propolis, there must be a label on or attached to a dietary supplement containing propolis, which must include, in a prominent position so that it can be easily seen by the consumer when purchasing the product, in a standard type of 3 mm, the statement - ‘PROPOLIS MAY CAUSE SEVERE ALLERGIC REACTIONS’.

(4) If the size of package of any product referred to in clauses 3(1), 3(2) or 3(3) is so small as to prevent the use of letters in 3 mm type, a reduced type height may be used, but no letter may have a letter height of less than 1.5 mm.
  • Good Info
Reactions: Fieldbee (Mary)


Staff member
Founder Member
No-one is disputing that people can react to propolis.
Most people will then see a sensitivity to tree sap and related cosmetic products that contain the base products.
The discrepancy is that there is no scientific or medically proven link to subsequently being high risk of experiencing anaphylaxis from bee venom or vica versa, as per the initial claim
Especially as venom and propolis contain different enzymes.
