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Semi Commercial
Here is quite a good fact sheet on it. It is reasonably common, in my view more so when hives are under some kind of stress. There is no cure for it but it is very unusual for it to infect enough larvae to have any noticeable effect on the hive as a whole.

Do you have it in your country?

Hawkes Bay
Definitely a stress thing and quite possibly related to chilling coupled with rapid brood expansion in the spring. Definitely worse some years than others and generally clears up by itself. There may be some genetic predisposition to this problem and I have seen cases that only cleared up after requeening.
I have seen hives quite debilitated with sack brood but it is quite rare and you have to wonder whether the sack brood caused the problem or whether another problem caused the sack brood.
If you have never seen this problem in your hives then you're probably not looking hard enough. It is a lot more common than AFB and has very similar symptoms. You can of course have both in the same hive , it's rare but I have seen it.
If I only find the odd cell then I just ignore it. As others have said, it will go away by itself.
Alastair, Tristan, John B thanks for the information!
Yes, sacbrood is the same in my country, and this season it appeared in my apiary.
I looked for information on treatment, but other than recommendations for disinfection and compression of the nest, I didn’t find much.
Since this disease is of viral origin, bees with good immunity do not have this disease. I think the virus is present throughout the apiary, due to contact with a common water source, and wandering drones or bees, but not all colonies have it.
My mistake is that I greatly expanded the nest in the spring, which caused stress in the bees.
For myself, I decided to do an experiment. To break the vicious circle - an infected bee feeds a larva, the larva dies, the bee removes this larva and becomes infected. I caught the queen bee and put her in a cage. I don’t know for how long, maybe I’ll try different things, but definitely until all the open brood becomes sealed. And squeezed the nest. And I will give 0.3-0.5 liters of sugar syrup.
If you're interested, I can share the results when I finish the experiment
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