When I hear what sounds to me to be the same argument being used several times, it lets me know it is being repeated even more widely...
What I've heard is:
"The Agency has not been around to inspect my hives for the last 5 years. I'm not getting any value from the PMP."
"Beekeepers need a detailed operational breakdown so they can properly work out a cost:benefit for their own individual operations."
I think that approach to the review of the PMP is simply wrong.
The National Pest Management Plan is just that. The cost:benefits are expected to be for NZ as a whole. It is absolutely unrealistic to expect to be able to provide a meaningful analysis at an individual beekeeper's level.
Oh, yes, and the Mgmt Agency isn't there to inspect your hives - it is there to audit your inspections of your hives. There's an important distinction...
What I've heard is:
"The Agency has not been around to inspect my hives for the last 5 years. I'm not getting any value from the PMP."
"Beekeepers need a detailed operational breakdown so they can properly work out a cost:benefit for their own individual operations."
I think that approach to the review of the PMP is simply wrong.
The National Pest Management Plan is just that. The cost:benefits are expected to be for NZ as a whole. It is absolutely unrealistic to expect to be able to provide a meaningful analysis at an individual beekeeper's level.
Oh, yes, and the Mgmt Agency isn't there to inspect your hives - it is there to audit your inspections of your hives. There's an important distinction...