varroa mite treatment

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Bonjour à tous ! :)
J'ai été déçue de l'efficacité d'un produit anti-varroa que j'utilisais auparavant:rouler des yeux::confus:. Par conséquent, je préfère me tourner vers des traitements naturels, si possible.

J'aimerais connaître vos expériences et recommandations concernant les traitements naturels pour lutter contre les varroas. Si l'un d'entre vous a déjà utilisé de telles méthodes et obtenu de bons résultats, j'aimerais en savoir plus.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide précieuse !

Google translation:
I was disappointed with the effectiveness of an anti-varroa product I used before:rolling my eyes::confused:. Therefore, I prefer to turn to natural treatments, if possible.

I would like to know your experiences and recommendations regarding natural treatments to fight varroa mites. If any of you have ever used such methods and had good results, I would like to know more.

Thank you in advance for your precious help ! :geek:


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Founder Member
Semi Commercial
Formic acid gave me good results far as the varroa kill went, both as a flash treatment, and also as a longer term treatment via a Nassenheider unit.
  • Good Info
Reactions: NatureAlley
Chère Gisèle,

In my relatively short existence as a beekeeper I have only used oxalic acid (OA) /glycerol (GLY)strips and results have been very good for me as well as for beekeepers in the area around Dunedin. As you will be able to read in various post on this forum people do get mixed results. Why that is, I do not know. Perhaps location plays a role. I have learned to use this treatment with the help and explanations from Otto Hyink who wrote a manual about how he makes and uses the OA Glycerol strips. You can find it on this forum.
OAGLY strips helped me get a hive through winter that in total had over 14000 mites collected on a sticky board (daily counts) over the extended winter period. I may have been very lucky, but still. But I really had to keep on top of things: condense the hives as much as possible to increase contact between bees/mites and the strips and replace strips that were chewed or had fallen off, as well as (re)placing them over brood areas at every inspection. Yes, we do have warmer days in the South where we can inspect hives :). But OAGLY strips are certainly not the easy 30 seconds walk away approach. I do not mind at all, I only have 4-6 hives, so it is no hassle.

Bonne chance!
Bonjour à tous ! :)
J'ai été déçue de l'efficacité d'un produit anti-varroa que j'utilisais auparavant:rouler des yeux::confus:. Par conséquent, je préfère me tourner vers des traitements naturels, si possible.

J'aimerais connaître vos expériences et recommandations concernant les traitements naturels pour lutter contre les varroas. Si l'un d'entre vous a déjà utilisé de telles méthodes et obtenu de bons résultats, j'aimerais en savoir plus.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide précieuse !

Google translation:
I was disappointed with the effectiveness of an anti-varroa product I used before:rolling my eyes::confused:. Therefore, I prefer to turn to natural treatments, if possible.

I would like to know your experiences and recommendations regarding natural treatments to fight varroa mites. If any of you have ever used such methods and had good results, I would like to know more.

Thank you in advance for your precious help ! :geek:



Would you like to try organic treatment? Try Alagaw leaves or lemongrass. Place some leaves on the top bar. Just make sure you are using screened bottom board and put some oil on the slider.
