Varroa questions this season?

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Gisborne Tairawhiti
Hi all - there is a session at conference this year on varroa.
There will be beekeepers, MPI and scentists Phil Lester and Michelle Taylor (see below).

There will be the chance to ask questions (via phone app) of the panel, but for those not going to conference: what are the varroa questions/issues that have come to mind this past season?
From the conference program:

Varroa what we currently know and where do we need to go.

An interactive panel discussion discussing the current challenges faced by beekeepers managing varroa, what current tools are available to manage varroa better and what do we need to do as an industry to manage varroa successful in the future.

Panellists include:

Carlos Zevallos, Comvita (beekeeper perspective)
Hayley Pragert, MPI (government perspective)
Michelle Taylor PFR (research perspective)
Phil Lester, VUW (research perspective)
