Historic: Visualisation of the NBA Executive...

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I've always liked finding new ways to look at data. I've developed a spreadsheet to record most of the historical happenings with the old National Beekeepers' Assn.

One aspect I've documented - who was President, Vice President and on the National Executive - was done as part of a pretty straightforward list, with one year for each line, etc.

But then when I finished I had a go at displaying the same data in another way - and it is kind of fun to look through...

Visualisation of NBA Executive

Across the top are the years, 1913-2015. Down the left are all the people who were on the Nat Exec through the years.

Look at that period of the 1940s, when Ted Field was NBA President for 17 years! The spreadsheet makes it easy to see people who worked over a long time period with the NBA, such as Terry Gavin. Or those who had been on the Exec, then 'returned' after a long absence.
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