Bother, just got the heads up that the hive swarmed despite. In hindsight I should have made more of an effort to find the queen to put her aside in nuc box. Oh turns out it's not the end of swarm season.
Despite one hive having an unused honey super, and space with a QR hive.... a dozen "swarm" QC seen across the second brood box. Hive strong and QR so presumably feeling a bit cooped up with all the rain and decided to do something about it.
Used frames to boost a possibly queenless hive and make a nuc.
Then next hive had 4 supercedure cells.... maybe🤞. So took a nuc off that one too, just in case.
Busy for just 4 humble hobby hives... makes me appreciate the work commercials put in
Assuming it’s the hive I think it is; will be checking this evening.
What I did 4 days ago;
1. Checkerboarding
2. stripping out a nuc
3. moving frames to a queen less hive
2 weeks ago (before a full week of rain)
1. with no sign of queen cells
2. a fresh super added only 2 weeks earlier,
anything else I should/could have done?
This same lineage swarmed last year, might need to invest in new genetics.
What else should I do now? I’m thjnking;
1. Remove all remaining queen cells.
2. Check the other hive that I thought was superceding (maybe all my efforts worked, and the hive I thought was ok, wasn’t)
Thanks in advance