To provide compliance options for persons keeping bees, and extracting, packing or blending honey for sale for human consumption to ensure that the maximum level of Tutin permitted in honey is not exceeded.
This Standard updates and replaces the Food (Tutin in Honey) Standard 2010 and Food (Tutin in Honey) Amendment Standard 2011.
The compliance guide can be found
This Standard updates and replaces the Food (Tutin in Honey) Standard 2010 and Food (Tutin in Honey) Amendment Standard 2011.
The compliance guide can be found
Document: - Tutin in Honey - compliance guide
This guide has been published to assist beekeepers, packers and exporters of honey to comply with the Food Standard: Tutin in Honey. The standard has been developed to ensure that dangerous levels of Tutin do not occur in honey sold in New...