Historic: Additional NZ Bkpr magazines added to NZBDA...

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BOP Club
I've had a pretty successful run with a lot more 'automation' through the use of various image manipulation scripting and various file handling...

*Anyway* I now have filled in the 2006-2013 NZBkpr magazines in the NZ Beekeeping Digital Archive.

My plan is to finish it off to the end of 2016, the 'end' of the NBA as it was assimilated into ApiNZ...

Mid Canterbury
Semi Commercial
I've had a pretty successful run with a lot more 'automation' through the use of various image manipulation scripting and various file handling...

*Anyway* I now have filled in the 2006-2013 NZBkpr magazines in the NZ Beekeeping Digital Archive.

My plan is to finish it off to the end of 2016, the 'end' of the NBA as it was assimilated into ApiNZ...

Thanks Nick. Noted
Bay of Plenty
Nick, here's a tough one for you; Trevor Bryant wrote an article about the difference between on-demand slow-release sugar feeding in kiwifruit pollination and every couple of days feeding. Can't remember when it was in beekeeper but would have been around 1998-2000ish, is there a way of finding that article, please, I think Mark G would have been involved perhaps or Murry Reid as well. Thanks
Bay of Plenty
Thanks Nick, not the one I was thinking off, maybe it was printed after yr 2000. But nice to re-read some articles n adds for businesses for sale, two of which I asked about at the time but unable to come to an agreement
Hawkes Bay
That was a little note I wrote for the April edition. Unfortunately not everybody understands my sense of humour and I did get a couple of enquiries from overseas about how it worked. I can't help wondering though with the new neodymium magnets whether it wouldn't work quite well and I am genuinely planning to do a few trials this year.


BOP Club
That's it, thank you very much.
And thanks to John Berry's clever queen marking idea, I'm off to the sheet metal shop for a 'long weight' so ill get some metal disks while I'm there.
Fixing small metal discs to the thorax of honeybees was used back in the 1970s for researching aspects of foraging behaviour:

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Bay of Plenty
Yes it’s interesting now how tech is going and how small it’s going. If u could detect a queens egg laying rate , like a Fitbit for the queen, without opening hive u could order raise replacement queens n also keep check of stock u payed for. I want a bee that will fly it’s own hive into n out of pollination when I click on a button.
Do we still it ‘a Queen’ now she’s dead. Or go back to the 1800s n call it a ‘King’

LQB Apiary

Lower North Island
I've had a pretty successful run with a lot more 'automation' through the use of various image manipulation scripting and various file handling...

*Anyway* I now have filled in the 2006-2013 NZBkpr magazines in the NZ Beekeeping Digital Archive.

My plan is to finish it off to the end of 2016, the 'end' of the NBA as it was assimilated into ApiNZ...

I believe I may have some pre-2000 with much on the early days of kiwifruit pollination. I tucked them away and hoping they're still "alive" 😔 may have lost a couple. Are you interested?


BOP Club
I believe I may have some pre-2000 with much on the early days of kiwifruit pollination. I tucked them away and hoping they're still "alive" 😔 may have lost a couple. Are you interested?
Thanks for the offer, but I'm (maybe) getting close to the point where I would want to be giving away multiple boxes of my own "collection". My whole plan was to digitise, especially, the items I've collected that I feared may not be available otherwise.

And I've done the bulk of that as it relates to the NZ beekeeping magazines. I still have some early ones that I need to improve the quality on, and still some missing issues of Billy Bray's magazine, and that of Percy Hillary (both in the 1930s.) And I did extend my reach back into Isaac Hopkin's sets of magazines from the 1880's - in that case, just providing copies of work done by others.

And for a lot of it, I've now started using the Internet Archive. It gives a *great* chance to search Try this:

Just below the Search bar, part of the way down the screen, change it to "Search text contents". Then put in something to search for. Best to use a single word or two, especially if they are relatively rare.

You can change the view (three buttons on the right side) and easily change the Sort order (to the left on that same line).

That will search all the stuff I have on the Internet Archives. There are still quite a few things I have that aren't there, but can still be found at:

Again, thanks for the offer. I really hope you can find someone willing to take your older magazines, and I hope they'll all remain available to NZ beekeepers into the future...

LQB Apiary

Lower North Island
Thanks for the offer, but I'm (maybe) getting close to the point where I would want to be giving away multiple boxes of my own "collection". My whole plan was to digitise, especially, the items I've collected that I feared may not be available otherwise.

And I've done the bulk of that as it relates to the NZ beekeeping magazines. I still have some early ones that I need to improve the quality on, and still some missing issues of Billy Bray's magazine, and that of Percy Hillary (both in the 1930s.) And I did extend my reach back into Isaac Hopkin's sets of magazines from the 1880's - in that case, just providing copies of work done by others.

And for a lot of it, I've now started using the Internet Archive. It gives a *great* chance to search Try this:

Just below the Search bar, part of the way down the screen, change it to "Search text contents". Then put in something to search for. Best to use a single word or two, especially if they are relatively rare.

You can change the view (three buttons on the right side) and easily change the Sort order (to the left on that same line).

That will search all the stuff I have on the Internet Archives. There are still quite a few things I have that aren't there, but can still be found at:

Again, thanks for the offer. I really hope you can find someone willing to take your older magazines, and I hope they'll all remain available to NZ beekeepers into the future...
Thank you that link. It's great the work you're doing as 'the more things change the more they stay the same' and it's good to delve into the ye olde side of things as it can give so much more depth to the knowledge of why we do things the way we do.
I know when I come on here with one purpose I usually sedgeway- off as have found something that worth exploring further 😀

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