That’s too funny Dennis. You say ‘no John’ and then expand your answer to come across as ‘that’s exactly what I mean John’No John, my thoughts r that whenever u in your hives u check for afb, those that do this n know what to look for tend to have no issue n keep on top of it. No cost to them, just part of good hive health management. Those that tend to look for other avenues of ‘help’ tend to either intentionally or not intentionally rely on those systems n less on their own ability n take the odd short cut, wether that b a round or two of not checking ‘ because I’ve used….. to check so I can relax this time’ it’s human nature. I’m not poo pooing other methods n if beeks want to spend the money on that, fill your boots. But the majority of commercial beeks out there rely on their own eyes n check n have no issue with afb
Similar to ‘I’m not poo pooing other methods’ and then ‘fill your boots’.
I’ll say it again, we see those who have AFB issues are not turning to DNA metbods as alternative method. We go to great lengths to say any other surveillance method is not a replacement for visual inspections.