4 weeks ago we found a hive on its last legs. It had chomped through most its winter feed by early July sometime and had received a dry sugar feed to tide them over until I was back from other work duties to deal with the apiary. They got a small feed of syrup by less experienced staff early August and I caught up with them for varroa treatments at the end of August. Ideally they should have had a top feeder put on and received a bulk feed.
Anyway the result we came across was the typical last gasp of what was a big colony with most dead out front and on the floor.
There was about 4 frames of sad bees and the queen remaining alive (just alive), so…..
Reduced it to one box, gave them syrup in the internal frame feeder and I poured a bit over the bees to encourage grooming and incidental feeding.
Checked them yesterday. All alive.
Boosted back up with 4 frames of capped brood and attached nurse bees plus a frame of pollen, honey and attached bees all from several colonies. Smoked the beejeezus out of them to mask pheromones.
Added more feed (2.5 litres) 1/2 a Megabee pollen substitute and another brood box. Happy beekeeper happy bees.
Back in a week to put a top feeder on that I never seem to have on the Ute🤣
Yes! they survived!

Spread the frames ready for some reinforcements

Boosted ready to expand with 4 frames of capped brood included