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BOP Club
I believe that the Mgmt Agency provides for two types of DECAs, with the hobbyist DECA having a fixed set of management expectations, while the commercial DECA has a number of management practices that can be varied/negotiated/chosen depending upon the commercial operator's methods of dealing with AFB. Method of destruction, for instance: a commercial DECA can potentially allow for serious hot paraffin dipping of some equipment, while a hobbyist DECA has no such discretion.


BOP Club
Hobbyist form:
Commercial form:

The second has a series of negotiated components, allowing for a range of management practices. Hobbyists are not given such leeway or opportunity for variations.

But as @Dave Black says, a clear distinction is that a hobbyist DECA does not allow you to inspect the colonies of other beekeepers on their behalf...
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Dave Black

BOP Club
Bay of Plenty
There are some 'uncertainties' in the data. My DECA was signed off in 2003,but the record date is 2006. There is no record of 'refresher' it would appear. I think all the DECAs issued years before the hobby/commercial distinction was made appear as 'commercial', although at the time mine was commercial.
Hawkes Bay
I gave the hive hub a go yesterday and found it generally quite a bit better than the old one. I did however have a lot of trouble trying to report an AFB (just for practice). Even when I got into the right place I couldn't find the icon for about five minutes. To be fair I am a bit dyslexic and finds seeing that sort of thing quite difficult. If I had read the instructions that came with the email I would no doubt have found it easier but in six months time when somebody wants to report AFB they will not have those instructions.. I asked my wife to go on the site (and she is a lot more tech savvy than I am) and she wandered around the site for about 10 minutes before giving up.
The new hive hub is a big improvement and once you find how to report an AFB it is easy but finding it in the first place is not.
Given that reporting AFB is one of the most important functions of the site I really think they could have a box with reporting AFB and clear instructions on the opening page.
I would be really keen for a few people on the site to not read the instructions in the email but to just go on the site and see how much trouble they have working out how to report an AFB

tommy dave

BOP Club
mostly wellington, sometimes dunedin
I would be really keen for a few people on the site to not read the instructions in the email but to just go on the site and see how much trouble they have working out how to report an AFB
found it a little bit more quickly, but agree completely. Would be very good, and probably an easy change, to have a "report afb" button on the home-page - maybe in that same quick links spot as "report non-compliance" and "help and support". Even if that button just linked to the place where you could do it, I think that would help. I don't know if @Marco is on the site to see this feedback? might simply email it through to them.

overall impressed with the update from apiweb to hivehub, along with the other changes implemented by their team over the last year or so.
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Staff member
I just had a go and nothing popped out at me....I'm sure an email to one of the contact addresses would do the same thing.
I gave the hive hub a go yesterday and found it generally quite a bit better than the old one. I did however have a lot of trouble trying to report an AFB (just for practice). Even when I got into the right place I couldn't find the icon for about five minutes. To be fair I am a bit dyslexic and finds seeing that sort of thing quite difficult. If I had read the instructions that came with the email I would no doubt have found it easier but in six months time when somebody wants to report AFB they will not have those instructions.. I asked my wife to go on the site (and she is a lot more tech savvy than I am) and she wandered around the site for about 10 minutes before giving up.
The new hive hub is a big improvement and once you find how to report an AFB it is easy but finding it in the first place is not.
Given that reporting AFB is one of the most important functions of the site I really think they could have a box with reporting AFB and clear instructions on the opening page.
I would be really keen for a few people on the site to not read the instructions in the email but to just go on the site and see how much trouble they have working out how to report an AFB
Hey John, logged in without instructions.
No worries getting a Report AFB practice run.

Hit My Apiaries, and View a site. Then a report AFB showed.
BUT, your comments did make me focus on it 100%, I wasn't looking around.
And, agree a Report AFB at the home screen could make it easier.


Staff member
I cant even find how to log-in when I go to the site from a browser. The link in the email works fine tho.
Surely there is a way to get in without the link?
The maps arent accurate. My address is correct but the pin is way off location. No way to edit it.

I see I've had someone near me with afb in the last 6 months. Do they notify us of this?

Trevor Gillbanks

Founder Member
Palmerston North
The maps arent accurate. My address is correct but the pin is way off location. No way to edit it.
The maps are as accurate as you placed the information when you registered the hives.
However, you can contact the Agency and they will allow you to adjust your pin locations.

I have already done that with 2 of my sites.
I see I've had someone near me with afb in the last 6 months. Do they notify us of this?
Yes, you will have had a notification of this.
