In a month or two you'll be able to stop pondering and start doing ! let us know how it goes !
Well the original FD Nuc was going gangbusters in June!
My priority was to go to 3/4 so I have been slowly adding 3/4 supers with the intention to go into 10 frame boxes, I decided a high Nuc would be too much work and have lots of 10 frame boxes lying around. The queen has been laying up a storm last couple of months.
My configuration was 1 x FDBrood, building up to 3 x 3/4 boxes.
Last week after the rain, it was time for another hive check and I wanted to move the FD brood up top to force her down so I could get rid of the box. Inspection showed FD box mostly empty just 1/4 frame brood, I thought yay I can get rid of it soon.
Configuration became 1 x 3/4 bottom box with brood and a couple of queen cells! then 2 x 3/4boxes honey/nectar, QE, hive mat with center hole, FD box with capped brood. I also turned this box around to get a rear entrance.
Yesterday I saw what appeared to be swarming at the rear and saw the old queen on the ground dead. They didn’t swarm but went back in, confused it seemed.
Today I looked at the FD box with the intention of removing the old brood frames and saw several swarm cups. I don’t think there is a queen, I listen to the boxes most days and didn’t hear any quacking, but I can’t be sure. I added another 1 x 3/4 box under this box. So next step…..have to wait till brood emerges, but by then they will have filled up the frames with nectar and pollen🤔Any suggestions?