Manuka in the US.

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as with anything that is fetching good dollars.....someone somewhere is taking notice...China is probably already full of manuka plantations...they have flogged the golden kiwfruit and manuka honey wouldn't have escaped their attention.
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Saint Augustine, FL USA
Hi Tony, are you trying to teach us the basics of beekeeping? Well, thanks, I can see you're living by your principle of giving to receive....bee happy too!
Hello southbee, here I give a good example of “It is giving that you shall receive!”; Trev’s Bees, I already viewed several of his videos and I very impressed with his knowledge and how sincere hi disseminate his beekeeping knowledge to us all. I don’t know anything about his personal status but I’m sure that he is respected worldwide this is "prosperity". Prosperity is "NOT only monetarily quantified"!
Prosperity are; to be respected, to be honorable, to be generous, to be honest, to be sincere, etc. and $$$$’s as well. Thanks for your comments. Have a great day! Thanx…………Tony…………>)))*>……
Do you think the high activity manuka may be grown around the world ..
I know that manuka is grown as a garden plant.
It could have coincidentally got sent overseas as well ?
no idea what so ever on what sub species or activity of them.
but certainly there is, for eg, UK manuka honey being sold at very high prices in the UK. can't recall if it was active or not.
Semi Commercial
Tony I think you have been sucked in by the Great Marketing Machine. Manuka honey has been proven to be of benefit for external application for things like skin conditions and wounds. Can you show us a study that demonstrates any benefit of taking manuka honey orally please ?
It has been said, but not proven, that people with stomach ulcers orally consume one teaspoon of Manuka honey per day and the ulcer disappears over a period of 2 - 3 weeks. I have recommended this treatment to two of my friends and they both had a full recovery.


Tony, I am in Amu'rka, too. What you are asking on this forum hit the nerves of fear on some NZ beekeepers who relies heavily on the merit of Manuka, a golden goose, if you will. They will lose money big time if, say, America has a huge Manuka fields, like the almonds in California. Now many on this forum understand your intention is not to steal their golden goose, heaven forbids. But the fear is NZ must monopolize their authentic Manuka honey--albeit similar, if not identical, species also grow in Australia. These two countries should fear losing their Manuka monopoly as that will hurt their wallet. Probably they are right in that regard. However, given the benefits of MH in the world, I fear someone will try to steal or improve the cultivar in other parts of the world. Time will tell. In the meantime, they must fight to keep it to themselves--understandably.



Tony, I just found out Manuka seeds are sold even in good ole USA, but not plants, though. Just type the search.


as with anything that is fetching good dollars.....someone somewhere is taking notice...China is probably already full of manuka plantations...they have flogged the golden kiwfruit and manuka honey wouldn't have escaped their attention.
Couldn't agree more!
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Saint Augustine, FL USA
Hello Earthboy, thank you so much for adding to this discussion, I think that you clearly explained the heated participation on this topic. I fully agree with you. NZ’rs should fight to preserve the “Golden Goose”, after all the Manuka is native of NZ and rightly so you should preserve the monopoly of it.
Yes, I fully agree with you on the Chinese effort in profiting on the Manuka honey market which probably will hurt the NZ authenticity and financially. “Again you are on the ball”! One point I like to add is that NZ’rs only fight to preserve the Manuka Plants and Manuka Honey, but create a strategy for the future, because the Chinese will take over you market! On the beekeeping subject, I learned a great deal from “TREV’S BEES” and last week I made two splits of my only hive and they all seems to be doing very well, lots of activities and bringing in lots of pollen. I’ll be acquiring another two new hives this month. Also prepared a small field (60' x 120') see attached pic, and sowed wild flowers and crimson clovers, focused on my girls (bee’s) well-being and honey production. (I will post the pic's when they come up). Again thanks for being honest and shad the light of truths on this subject. Have a blessed day! Thanx………Tony………>)))*>……..


  • wild flowers 19MAR'21a.jpg
    wild flowers 19MAR'21a.jpg
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Tony, Florida is beekeeper's heaven thanks to its wonderful warm weather year round. Before planting anything, ask around the local beekeepers as to which plant will work best for your purpose. Since beekeeping is local, their advice on plants will be the best: they have been there and done that, so to speak. If you can get dark honey around your hood, get it: the darker the honey, the more antioxidant it contains. Best.

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Saint Augustine, FL USA
Tony, Florida is beekeeper's heaven thanks to its wonderful warm weather year round. Before planting anything, ask around the local beekeepers as to which plant will work best for your purpose. Since beekeeping is local, their advice on plants will be the best: they have been there and done that, so to speak. If you can get dark honey around your hood, get it: the darker the honey, the more antioxidant it contains. Best.

Yes Florida is blessed with great weather, and for that we thank the Lord!
I already research local practices, and most bee keeper are only interested in producing bulk honey no quality, they don’t provide bees with any additional plats species, just the local wild seasonal flowers. That is why I was interested in Manuka, quality honey. Thanx………..Tony………>)))*>….........


Try buckwheat which produces dark "axel grease" honey, which is supposed to be better than over-the-counter cough syrup (scientifically proven: search the web). You can plant it more than once although Fl may be too hot.
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Saint Augustine, FL USA
Try buckwheat which produces dark "axel grease" honey, which is supposed to be better than over-the-counter cough syrup (scientifically proven: search the web). You can plant it more than once although Fl may be too hot.
Thanks, I'll check it out the feasibly of growing in my area. Thanx.............Tony...........>)))*>.............


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