roy arbon doco on NZ Herald

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Staff member
Founder Member
I hope it goes someway to recover your costs @bighands but I would love to know what gene goes awol to make elderly so trusting to fall for these scams.

We had an incident last Sunday where a guy came on our property, scouted it out for 20 mins, then walked across the paddock to the elderly guys next door. They noticed he approached their house from over the paddock, fell for his story and then proceeded to point him through a back gate to a third property. They were in a far corner of their garden and had their back door wide open and never considered having a look for anything missing until I pointed out no-one knew who this guy was.

Meanwhile I was shopping in the supermarket, had the cameras alert me. I then notified the police and sent them a description and photo. They caught up with him in a village a couple of kms away and ID'd him before checking out the other properties, his story and giving him a warning.
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West Coast
Roys story is a heads up for us all.
Today recieved a notification from nz transport afvising me of un registered vehicles.... but no rego numbers or official logo .... just blue go to contacts....
Thanks to Roy for reawakening our awareness.
I received a notice fro a debt collection agency stating I owed nzta $100.I asked for the paper work, statement and invoice before I paid.3 months later an email from the debt collection agency stating the debt has been wiped.I wonder why?
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Mid Canterbury
Semi Commercial
I would love to know what gene goes awol to make elderly so trusting to fall for these scams.
Have I got this correct? Is Roy now 72 years at the time of this latest article? If so that puts him age 67 at the time. I suspect that puts a large number of regular contributors to the forum with the label of elderly. Crikey - everyone better look out for all the elderly going awol.
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Staff member
Founder Member
Have I got this correct? Is Roy now 72 years at the time of this latest article? If so that puts him age 67 at the time. I suspect that puts a large number of regular contributors to the forum with the label of elderly. Crikey - everyone better look out for all the elderly going awol.
WHO puts old age at 60 (50 for Africa due to the term Elder being used nationally)
The UN agrees 65+
Retirement is 60 to 65 which in some countries would make you a pensioner.
Or would you prefer I used the term geriatric? Which can quite legitimately be used to cover anyone over the age of 35. :D
  • Haha
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BOP Club
Story from the US, some years ago now. My sister, a school teacher, came out of the mall to watch her car being stolen. Called emergency police, but figured the car was gone. But immediately, a car with flashing lights and sirens rounds the corner. Her hopes go up! She sees a former student - she said he wasn't at all near the top of the class - dressed as a policeman get out of the car. She said she knew then that her car was gone forever...


Staff member
I had a house surgeon (who looked about 18) tell me I was a healthy middle aged woman @35 some number of years ago… I musta been feeling kind as I didnt rip him a new one. Question: Why do house surgeons look sooooo young!
