It looks like I am going to have more honey than I require for friends and family, I have someone that will buy what I don't want to keep/use.
I have had a look at the MPI site, and what a load of gobildy gook to get through.
Can someone tell me in plain English what I have to legally do to extract honey in my own kitchen or in a community hall kitchen, to on sell to someone that will blend the honey and sell it in their shop. Obviously it will be Tutin and AFB tested at my cost beforehand.
Do I have to have a food Handlers Certificate etc
I have had a look at the MPI site, and what a load of gobildy gook to get through.
Can someone tell me in plain English what I have to legally do to extract honey in my own kitchen or in a community hall kitchen, to on sell to someone that will blend the honey and sell it in their shop. Obviously it will be Tutin and AFB tested at my cost beforehand.
Do I have to have a food Handlers Certificate etc