After all this time, I still love my job. There's always mites, or some problem to solve. But each bee yard is a soothing place to go to.
At this site, this morning, this little guy meets me at the gate. He always follows me to the bee yard, hangs around, then follows me back again at the end.
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Then I drive down to the site, here is the beautiful scenery that surrounds me. For an hour or two, this is my office 🙂
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Even the calves are totally mellow. Take a passing interest in me, that's it.
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Then it's time to leave, I take a last pic.
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Drive on to the next site, pass a hunter crossing the road on the way (48 seconds)
Could I want a better job? Money wise, probably. Mental and physical health wise, this is it 🙂
really enjoyed the photos and especially the video
would love to see more beekeepers posting snippets of their everyday drive