As you were on the board Stephen, was the plan working then? Numbers suggest not ie it was increasing as a percentage. So what exactly has failed here? Is your beef with ApiNZ or the board you used to be on?
I am genuinely curious as to whether you have always felt these issues or is it an ApiNZ thing?
My concern is the way the governance has been approached.
The reason I end up on the AFB committee was because I identified that the NBA exec members had sort of decided that they were not responsible for the AFB PMP. When Frans left the NBA Exec there was no longer any over site from the NBA. As I was the only voice reminding the NBA Exec that they were solely responsible for the PMP. I was given the job.
The committee/board are just the employees of the NBA Exec - This is clearly laid out in the order in council. If any thing goes wrong it solely the responsibility the NBA Exec or now ApiNZ. Another thing to remember that under the new health safety act The directors of a organization will be held accountable Ie APiNZ.
I have an email from a couple of years ago from Karen that states that ApiNZ board no longer discuss the AFB PMP governance reports at the ApiNZ board meetings. This was in response to a OIA request asking for a copy of minutes of ApiNZ board meetings where the AFB PMP is discussed. And yes this part of ApiNZ meetings are subject to the OIA and the ombudsman has confirmed this.
When I joined the AFB PMP there were some good point and bad points
The good points was the idea that the PMP is a beekeeper lead plan. We had diseaseatons which got the beekeepers working together to solve local problems. But then Manuka greed came along and beekeepers could not longer trust others.
Many of the functions of the plan and been farmed out and the committee had lost control of them. Getting proper reporting was a bit hit and miss.
I pushed for the governance policy which myself and Ricky put together. My aim for this policy was to ensure that a role over policy was put in place and to define what the AFB PMP should be report back to Exec. When ApiNZ took over the governance policy was changed members of the PMP who should have rolled over and out stayed on. I don't believe levy payers were inform/consulted of the changes.
So I have reached the view that we have poor governance of the AFB PMP.
An important concept to remember that in New Zealand we have the right written in law to have an open and transparent governance of public bodies, which the PMP is.
We don't have open and transparent governance and this leads to poor performance