Conference feedback

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I am hopeless at remembering dates but I do remember some pretty fun time conferences. Stuart Ecroyd was behind a lot of them and Richard Bensemann a few more. Bill Floyd was also a good lot of fun . I remember they had a debate once and my brother described Dr Mark Goodwin as Harry Potter's younger brother but the best quote of the night for me was when Paul Bolger looked out into the audience and said , is that John Berry out there or a rat looking through a toilet brush.
He told me later that his father the honourable Jim Bolger had always wanted to use that line in parliament but hadn't quite been brave enough..
John, yes, we have had some great laughs at conferences over the years, and I have to admit your hair was very useful to me in the early days when I'd be thinking "is that John or Peter?" - but really it was quite simple, to me you were "Long John". Richard Bensemann certainly put a smile on most peoples faces - such a shame to lose him so early - we have a lot of fond memories of him and his cheeky ways. I have to say one of my most memorable and fun moments was me tossing Ruben Stanley into the pool during conference dinner at Rotorua - LOL. I look forward to catching up with many of the old team at Rotorua in three weeks time - including you, Nick W & hopefully Mark G will be there too - safe travels all. To all the beekeepers struggling right now with honey prices and unsold crops, I feel for you. However, I'm confident that there are numerous things that can be done to improve the current situation, but they are not overnight fixes. Apart from recently joining the ApiNZ Canterbury Hub Committee, I'm not close to the industry now, but I'll have a think as to how I can get some ideas across or get a little more involved. Cheers, Stuart.
I would have liked to have gone but I can’t imagine Mum and Dad would be too stoked to look after my darling children 😂 neither of whom are particularly good sleepers.
Maybe next year.
I am also following for feedback!
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Hawkes Bay
I would have liked to have gone but I can’t imagine Mum and Dad would be too stoked to look after my darling children 😂 neither of whom are particularly good sleepers.
Maybe next year.
Goodness, it's two babies ago that I last saw you and it still seems like yesterday. You and Bron made a real hit with me and are the type of beekeepers I like and trust.I really must make the effort and come up and see you both one day. I can still do a hard days work on the bees but I definitely have less energy for gallivanting around the countryside on my days off.
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Goodness, it's two babies ago that I last saw you and it still seems like yesterday. You and Bron made a real hit with me and are the type of beekeepers I like and trust.I really must make the effort and come up and see you both one day. I can still do a hard days work on the bees but I definitely have less energy for gallivanting around the countryside on my days off.
Yes it’s been a while but doesn’t feel like that long!
We would love to see you, I’m just waiting for Quinn to get walking properly and we will be over your way to go and see the sharks at the aquarium.
We haven’t travelled with Quinn yet, she was picking up every bug there for a while and the whole Covid thing was a big old mess.
We will come for a visit.
Probably won’t be too much longer, she’s walking short distances now, I hate it when they’re crawling around in the freezing cold in winter.

Things certainly do change, life’s new challenges.
I’m looking forward to getting out for a proper full season without either being knocked up or having a wee babe and being severely limited.
All my days have been days off lately but funnily enough I’ve forgotten what a day off feels like 🤣🤣🤣
I used to work 16 hour days regularly and I wasn’t as tired as I am now!
Riley likes to keep me on my toes by yelling for a drink of water at 3am when she could easily get it herself.
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BOP Club
North Auckland
Much better than the last one.
Considerably more intuitive, more user friendly 👍
Remember a Plunkett nurse saying when my eldest was small that the best is the third child - the first your new to the game, the second gets you better trained, the third is a breeze, but after that mothers get a bit slapdash. I stopped at three, as I think she was about right.
Hawkes Bay
For what it's worth here is my first feedback on conference.
I have just been given the choice for what seminars I wish to attend and like the last time this happened I find it quite disappointing.
There are times when there are three things on and I'm not riveted by any of them and that is fine, you can't make everybody happy with your choice of speakers but there are some other seminars where two things are on at the same time that I would love to attend and I have to make a choice. It's fair enough they make this decision is but also fair enough that I don't have to like them.
I have been to a lot of conferences and always used to try and attend every single session regardless of whether I was interested in the subject or not. These days I'm not quite so dedicated and if it's RMP or banking related you probably won't see me there but I do love all the science and research. I will probably attend some of MPI's presentations ,, not so much because I am interested but because I want to ask some hard questions.I don't expect any answer but I will feel better for having asked them.
