My question was if all that can be avoided. IE, somebody uses a telephone like Maggie to call me and says can I do their COI. So I check their hives, then is there a way I can sign them off on my hivehub without them having to request it on their hivehub.
Just save me the bother of having to visit people in their homes and showing them on their computer how to request it from me. Which I have already had to do and would like to know if there is a way around it when dealing with people with low computer skills.
i'm doing a couple this weekend for beek friends, assuming i can go paper-based, same as i have done for them in previous years. I'll see what options are available when i do it, if there is a simple paper based option i'll let you know - my impression is that there is, but requires someone to have a printer - just an impression though, haven't looked into it.
I remain concerned at how easy it is for people (including me) to do COI inspections with what i would class as reasonably limited experience.
My main comfort is hive survival and health over subsequent years for those i have inspected for, and a recommendation for an inspection in person after a long phone convo with an acquaintance, and the subsequent burning of the hive they were concerned about which i wasn't able to inspect in person due to geography (i had previously advised against their use of the second-hand gear, so their insurance compromise was to use it on one hive only - and then they burned the unused second-hand gear as well)