If only NZ beeks had access to the gamma sterilisation plant like the Aussies do - for SBA, all gear can be put through, so has a totally clean bill of health.
Hmm.... so this is old gear is an issue, and it looks like this needs to be built into a review.
Could be about the buyer as much as the seller.
If a brand new beekeeper buys used gear he will mostly get lucky. But if he doesn't get lucky and he gets AFB, often doesn't recognise until hives are dead and surrounding beekeepers have been infected.
An experienced beekeeper will first off get a feel for wether the gear and previous owner seem kosher or not. But after that if he does make a mistake and buys infected gear, he gets AFB, but recognises it, contains it, eliminates it, and does not pose a risk to anyone else.
Be clear I am talking about the governance of the AFB PMP. It doesn't matter how good operations are if governance model is poor operations will not be working a 100%Thanks for a very considered reply to my genuine questions @StephenB .
My first ever activity in a beehive was on a diseasathon and I was 'is that . .?' . .'should I' and yes, I roped out AFB in a hive. Its a shame they dont happen anymore (although I believe Hawkes Bay has done them more recently @John B ?). I understood it was due to Health & safety regs rather than manuka.?
But the question I have now is, you believe that the management team are performing poorly? Is this since day dot? Since manuka? Or since AFB 2.0 took over?? Because I believe comparing the agency now with the agency of 4-5 years ago is chalk and cheese
Steve you need to take a step back and look at the changes to the managing of the plan, a big problem(not the only one) of the past was Asurequality's lack of action on many fronts, in the last few years we have wrestled the job of AP1 off them and taken back the database at great cost. We now have two AP1's North and South Island and are more able to respond and follow up outbreaks of AFB or at least suspicion of out breaks. We now have Hive hub that makes it easier for beeks to manage their information etc, a phone app version is in the works. The published articles about enforcement and sadly destruction of beeks hives etc, was at least showing what we have been crying out for for years for some enforcement to be done. They were not many and very bad situations that have infected many others around them. We would rather beeks sorted their own mess out and get on top of their AFB. There have been a lot of beeks listing sites/hives they didn't do on the back of those reported cases. We have more AP2 on the ground.Be clear I am talking about the governance of the AFB PMP. It doesn't matter how good operations are if governance model is poor operations will not be working a 100%
I can only talk about from the time I got interested, which would be about from 2005.
From a public relations point of view the operations is not in a good place. I know there are people who think that harassing people is ok but its not the way to solve a problem.
Most people don't like conflict or overbearing authority and will do anything to avoid it, which usually means hiding problems and mistakes. (who here enjoys being stopped by the police?)
The recent trend to publish articles which all but name the people who have AFB problems just makes people want to hide more. A far better way would have to written a positive story and help the beekeepers turn the problem around and high lighted how the PMP contributed developing and good business.
The governance agency allows bullying to happen via the use of AFB PMP. I have seen it in operation when I was on the AFB PMP and it still happens today.
I dont know how many people remember when top bar hives came on the seen and how owners of top bar hives where given a really really hard time by the AFB PMP committee
Want to make a real change sort the governance model.
But you’re not presenting evidence of poor governance Stephen. And given that the percentage levels have now stabilised after sone years of increasing then you’d have to say that AFBNZ 2.0 is doing the right stuff here.Be clear I am talking about the governance of the AFB PMP. It doesn't matter how good operations are if governance model is poor operations will not be working a 100%.
.Most people don't like conflict or overbearing authority and will do anything to avoid it, which usually means hiding problems and mistakes. (who here enjoys being stopped by the police?)
The recent trend to publish articles which all but name the people who have AFB problems just makes people want to hide more. A far better way would have to written a positive story and help the beekeepers turn the problem around and high lighted how the PMP contributed developing and good business.
Stephen please give us real recent examples of bullying by the AFB PMP agency.The governance agency allows bullying to happen via the use of AFB PMP. I have seen it in operation when I was on the AFB PMP and it still happens today
I don't think this forum is the place to give any perceived examples of bullying by the PMP. I don't think that is what this thread is about. Also, it could involve people that never post on this forum, and that to me would be unacceptable. This thread should be a discussion, to get people thinking about what they would like to suggest, and to mull over the various posts, and think about how things can be improved, and how the PMP delivery can be efficient, cost effective, informative and friendly i.e. take the industry along with them. My thoughts are that this review is to attempt to streamline functions of the PMP and "service delivery", along with consideration to types of identification analysis.Stephen please give us real recent examples of bullying by the AFB PMP agency.
My experience with top bar hives is that the agency supported them. I did my very best to get them declared illegal as I consider they do not meet the legal requirements of a movable frame hive but I was overruled. I would like to see the definition of a legal hive change to must contain frames made using the bee space principle which will allow any type of hive as long as it had proper frames not sticks. I actually thought the agencies approach to top bar hives was weak.
I may be wrong but top bar hives seem to be disappearing just about as fast as they appeared, well-maintained they are reasonable to inspect but neglected ones are impossible to inspect without causing damage .
I should have been more clear Alastair - these were beekeepers who dealt with AFB when it was spotted but didnt always report it because of some perceived minor infringement (eg burnt hive on day 8, and not day 7 due to weather). No suggestion that the beekeepers had high levels or weren't dealing with their own infections. And again, back in the AFB days.Not reporting AFB may not save hassling.
Something that will be looked for is people who rarely or never report AFB, but have a lot of it in their honey.
Some of those people will also be ones causing losses to their neighbours so they need dealing with.
you can't leave us hanging, we need the gos to liven things up.I have another story from last conference about 'AFBNZ 2.0' and contrasting it prior iterations of the agency . . but it involves a well-known poster on this forum![]()
Nah bro ..... what happens at conference, stays at conference.you can't leave us hanging, we need the gos to liven things up.
I should have been more clear Alastair - these were beekeepers who dealt with AFB when it was spotted but didnt always report it because of some perceived minor infringement (eg burnt hive on day 8, and not day 7 due to weather). No suggestion that the beekeepers had high levels or weren't dealing with their own infections. And again, back in the AFB days.
No goss really. It was more hearing from a beekeeper that the agency were this and that and hadnt dealt with an issue from some years previously. I asked them whether they had bought it up or met Clifton. When they said no, i took them over to Clifton - introduced them and the beekeeper got to tell him of the issue. Clifton agreed it was an issue and I think asked Marco to look into it.you can't leave us hanging, we need the gos to liven things up.
Nah bro ..... what happens at conference, stays at conference.There's nothing worse than sorting through other peoples dirty laundry.